Monday, April 27, 2009

Overcoming Fear

I am trying to be a brave girl. It's not a big thing, just my annual physical that I have managed to push off for 2 years. I can get queasy just thinking about it. My palms get sweaty and I can feel my pulse race. What's the big deal you ask? After all, I am a dental health care provider myself. Well, I have pegged it to traumatic experiences with 2 different childhood surgeries. Neither were life threatening but the experiences were both examples of psychological abuse at the hands of the nurses. Now I know things have changed over the years but I am now conditioned just like one of Pavlov's dogs. I regress to the young child of five and I feel I am giving all of my power to someone else from the moment I think of booking the appointment. Finding the right physician is the first obstacle. Empathy seems to be low on the list of priorities, they all seem rushed to get in and out of the room. I am on my third doctor in 20 years. Liked one but she moved. The second was all business and didn't listen, just jumped to conclusions. I have met my third doctor. She seems nice, more empathetic. My physical is tomorrow. I am facing my fear. Wish me luck.

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