Wednesday, April 22, 2009

The World is a Small Place

Now I'm not a traveller in any sense of the word. I have only flown once in my almost 50 years and I have only been to two of my provinces. We generally camp for our vacation and that is usually a couple of hours away. Nonetheless, I am astounded at how small the world is. I personally know two people who have been to the Antarctic. I have taught (several years apart and totally by coincidence) two people from the same village in Romania. We have met the half siblings to our puppy in different parts of Ontario and the father of the dogs hails from the U.S. We always seem to meet people who know people we know no matter where we go. My brother can be dropped into any city and bump into someone he knows. It's almost spooky. Now how does something like this happen? Well now my brother and I seem to have something in common. We share the gift of the gab. There are very few people we haven't been able to pull into conversation. Maybe this is what brings the Earth to a size we can relate to. When you start to relate to individuals the world shrinks (and opens at the same time). So expand your horizons while shrinking your world and have a conversation with a stranger. You'll both benefit.

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