Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Am I a victim of technology

I have really embraced a lot of the new technology that has come our way. My cell phone keeps me in touch with my sons (and keeps them in my radar). (By the way, I never answer the phone when I am driving.) My laptop is my connection to face book, linked in, email, my web site, my blog and the entire world of information. It keeps me connected to friends and family that I normally wouldn't see. It keeps me tapped in to new developments in my field and I have developed a nice sag in the sofa where all of this takes place.

I have noticed something happening over time however. I seem to be developing the attention span of a gnat. None of the above mentioned formats are really conducive to long involved perspectives requiring a lengthy attention span. I can't stay focused on any project or any reading for any length of time and will actually do housework to avoid lengthier reads (gasp).

If technology were a meal I guess you could say I'm living on appetizers and can't seem to
digest a full meal.

And so my training program in lengthening my attention span begins. I refuse to be a victim of the technology I enjoy so much.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

The Power of Pausing

I am an eternal optimist, always preferring to see the positive in a situation, always ready to dive into a new project or course. Optimism is a wonderful state of mind and can take you through many dark days but the down side can happen when the eager optimist jumps into something not quite so wonderful under the surface gloss. I have learned the value of the power of pausing before jumping. Most offers coming our way have a realistic time limit before requiring our response. I have learned to stop myself mid jump and pause ...........during which time I absorb this new idea or event or course offering. I may jot down notes or investigate further or check references or any number of things before diving in. Ultimately, the pause allows me to determine if I am still excited about it one or two or more days later. If I am, I will often go for it. If not, well then it wasn't meant to be. I have saved a lot of time and money by practicing the power of the pause.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Being open

I can run the gamut of emotions from tears to joy in a single day. I don't enjoy days where I run that intense a cycle but then I don't enjoy days where I'm down and the amazing days just make the down days seem worse. What to do? I think the key is being open to what is happening to you at any given moment. What is that moment or that emotion supposed to be teaching you? I just learned that when you are in depression you are at your most creative. That is an amazing example of yin/yang at work I believe. So I guess we should just accept the emotions and remain open to what they are telling or teaching us. You can't have joy if you haven't experienced sadness and all of us can admit to learning not just from positive experiences but the negative ones as well. So be open, there is a lesson in everything.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Looking for positive amid all the negative

If you look outside right now the odds are all you will see are dirty piles of snow and streets lined with debris that has collected over the winter. It just feels dirty and gray and damp and heavy. It really reflects the attitude everyone seems to have about our economy. News commentary about the state of our economy is dim and grim and gray and heavy. Guess what though folks. Guess what is peeking up through the gray piles of dirt and snow. Bulbs of daffodils and snow drops and tulips are determined to overtake the gray landscape. I think this is a good time to take our cue from Mother Nature and show the same determination to reflect a positive and growing attitude about our own economic future. We do control this you know.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Hello Everybody

I don't know if it is because their has been a shift in the weather (for the better), or because we have sprung forward, I just feel an amazing sense of potential. I feel the potential to increase my income, to increase my creativity, to increase my happiness. Waves like this waft over me from time to time and the ride is lovely. The future seems so open and I can bend it to my will. My brain buzzes with ideas and I am careful to give them the attention they deserve and not immediately say "no that can't happen" and shove them to the side. Dreams are free and the best value for the money spent. Dream on everyone and explore your potential.

Sunday, March 1, 2009


Welcome to March everyone. This month always makes me feel that spring is around the corner. This is usually when people start thinking about summer outfits and will they still fit! I have been watching television and I am appalled at these reality shows like the biggest loser. These fitness coaches yell and point out body flaws in an effort to motivate the contestants. I feel verbally abused after watching these shows and I have to wonder if these contestants can succeed in maintaining their weight loss after the shows are over. I don't see them as motivating as much as bullying. What is it about our society that requires such excesses. We spend to much, eat too much, want too much and even when we try to rectify these situations we go too far. Everything in moderation seems to have a nice sound to it now doesn't it.