Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Am I a victim of technology

I have really embraced a lot of the new technology that has come our way. My cell phone keeps me in touch with my sons (and keeps them in my radar). (By the way, I never answer the phone when I am driving.) My laptop is my connection to face book, linked in, email, my web site, my blog and the entire world of information. It keeps me connected to friends and family that I normally wouldn't see. It keeps me tapped in to new developments in my field and I have developed a nice sag in the sofa where all of this takes place.

I have noticed something happening over time however. I seem to be developing the attention span of a gnat. None of the above mentioned formats are really conducive to long involved perspectives requiring a lengthy attention span. I can't stay focused on any project or any reading for any length of time and will actually do housework to avoid lengthier reads (gasp).

If technology were a meal I guess you could say I'm living on appetizers and can't seem to
digest a full meal.

And so my training program in lengthening my attention span begins. I refuse to be a victim of the technology I enjoy so much.

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