Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Reflexology for sciatic issues

People with sciatic issues have been popping into my life lately which has given me ample opportunities to determine the accuracy of the sciatic reflex. In all 3 cases that I saw, the reflex gave me a visual cue in the way the area blanched and gave the illusion of being raised. I was able to see this distressed reflex on the plantar aspect of the foot and palmar aspect of the hand of two others.

The hand showed me a reflex just lateral to where it should have been which made me think, if the body is suffering some type of distortion would the reflex reflect this as well? So I worked the reflex in the distorted visual cue area with excellent results.

I had good results with all 3 cases and more people are suddenly developing this issue and talking to me about it. Seemed I should share my findings. So happy hunting this sometimes elusive reflex.

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