Saturday, January 8, 2011

Enough manifesting already!

I have always considered myself to be a fairly positive person. Some people would call me a "new ager" because I believe in energy work and a lot of other complementary healing modalities. I confess to buying The Secret and creating a vision board and yes I have read Echart Tolle as well. (Sorry about the spelling but I'm too lazy to look it up). Lately I have noticed a disturbing (for lack of a better term) trend. I am on a few social and business networking sites and have noticed two different trends. First of all, people seem to have opted out from posting anything original (not necessarily personal but not even original).

Everyone either posts 1. an inspirational quote from someone else
2. a manifestation they want to have occur.

I am sensing a big backlash coming from those people who are constantly manifesting. The higher power knows what's going to happen in the future and is sometimes protecting you by not providing what you are trying to manifest. I bet there are a lot of disappointed people who have read The Secret and are still waiting for their ship to come in.

And a note about unwavering positivity! (Don't know if that's a word or not but I'm using it). You need to feel some negativity to appreciate anything positive happening people!

So my New Year's resolution is to go with the flow. Experience the ups and downs and just hope the downs aren't too scary.

I'll repeat my wish for everyone this year. Life is full of speed bumps. I wish you a good suspension package.


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