Friday, May 29, 2009

Disorganization or Dastardly Plot

If you looked at my office (also known as the family room) you would probably assume I was disorganised. I have marked ownership of one sofa with a plethora of books and papers all piled haphazardly over 2 cushions. My lap top tray is filled with smaller snippets of paper, the t.v. converter and anything else I deem essential. The thing is my area is actually highly organized (as long as my husband doesn't try to organize it). I know where everything is and what project is on the go at any given moment. Nothing irritates me more than pseudo organization. This is where an office or business will look organized on the surface but is actually a hotbed of disorganisation. I have been poked by frequent examples of this lately and of course they have to be linked to my phobia - the doctor's office. I went in for my physical like a brave girl and followed up after my blood work came back with some minor issues. Imagine my surprise when I was called 3 days later to go in again for another reason, and 3 days after that and again today. I have had more spikes in blood pressure occur from these calls then is necessary. I have to admit I lost it with the receptionist. She tried to tell me that all the lab reports come in separately. Doesn't it make sense to wait until they are all in before you call the patient? That would have been 4 separate visits back to the doctor. I am sure OHIP would have been billed for all of them. Is this disorganization or a dastardly plot. I just know I am debating call display so I can avoid their calls.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Karma Kick

I have always believed in karma and have tried to instill a sense of karma in my kids. I have always told them that what you send out comes back to you. I see evidence of it many times in my own life. If I delve into the negative and think nasty thoughts I am usually administered a karmic kick within a week. Somebody out there is trying to make me a better person but I don't seem to be a very quick learner. Why is it so easy to fall back into negative patterns of criticism and gossip?

I am trying, but I seem to have a direct link to whoever administers karmic kicks. Do you think you could pick on someone else for a while? I am starting to get paranoid. I guess whoever is in charge means well. It's just that right now I feel like a student being picked on by the teacher. I'm guaranteed to flub again because I'm being watched so closely.

Here's to me being a better person. My butt is bruised from the recent lessons.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Overcoming Apathy

Apathy comes in all shapes and sizes. Some people are apathetic emotionally, no extremes of emotions for them. Some people are apathetic about their careers, I can claim a bit of guilt there. My biggest form of apathy falls under the heading of "Spending Big Money". The house needs some changes. It is feeling smaller and smaller as the boys get bigger and bigger. Parts of it are showing signs of age. I can relate there as well. I can put off updates on the house for quite a while if I know there are big bucks involved. So, the basement renovation has been on hold for 5 years. My poor reflexology students have shivered down there every winter. I justified it by saying it was keeping them awake for learning. Luckily I teach more in the fall and spring then in the winter. So I'd look at the basement and imagine the thousands of dollars it would take to fix it up and I'd shove that idea aside once again.
How did I overcome this apathy? Well I started pricing a new house. Yowsa. It will cost me over $100,000 for an additional 1000 sq. feet. It will cost me significantly less than that to finish my basement that is approximately 1000 sq. feet. Sold!!!!! I feel like I scored a good deal. Just hope the contractor I hire doesn't suffer from apathy.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Creativity isn't an entitlement of the artistic mind. I can remember how I had to knit or crochet or work at some craft in order to feel sane. The creativity of seeing something come together fed me on a deep intrinsic level. I felt calmer, more centered and more fulfilled while working on crafts. I thought that perhaps I was "crafty". Imagine my surprise when I let go of my crafts completely. I had started teaching reflexology and the lesson planning and study aids I developed were satisfying that same deeper need. This was surprising to me. Theoretically, this was work, but it felt like play! I learned that creativity comes in all shapes, sizes, forms and interests. The key is to find the one that interests you. You leave the work energized as opposed to fatigued. I am starting a new project now that should take a couple of years. I am developing a head/neck reflexology course. I am excited and grounded at the same time. Wish me luck and I wish you the same enjoyment I feel with your creative endeavours.