Friday, July 30, 2010

What's wrong with a placebo?

I have been a reflexologist since 1997 and I played with it for years before that. This healing modality has surprised me repeatedly with what it can do. I will be the first to admit that it cannot do all things for all people, but really, what can? Think about it. There are no wonder drugs out there that work for every condition. There are no healing modalities that have a one hundred percent success rate.

My gumption gets riled when people attribute success in healing to placebos. The implication is that a placebo is a false deity. They shake their heads at the people they feel have succumbed to the placebo affect. So let's analyze this placebo affect. The individual is better. They have had a successful response to treatment. In the case of a placebo response to a healing modality that does not involve ingesting medication, they have not taxed their liver and kidneys by processing medications. Personalize it. You are sick, you try a healing modality like reflexology. You feel better. Your friends or family say it is a placebo affect. You are better. I'd take it. I know reflexology works and I know the mechanism is not always placebo affect. But I will embrace these successes as well. The client is better. This is why we offer reflexology. We want people to heal themselves. If the result is through a placebo affect so be it. Let's not make it a dirty word.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


I am a member of a number of reflexology groups on facebook. I am amazed at the diversity within the field of reflexology. The definition of reflexology and methods of application are diverse as well. I don't agree with all of them. I am sure some of these members don't agree with my principles as well. The underlying denominator and what keeps us gelled as a group is the underlying desire to help. Notice I said help and not heal. The healers are the people themselves who come to us with their issues. We are simply facilitators. As in all things, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I started thinking about how reflexology has impacted my life. I have a large circle of friends because of my love for teaching reflexology. My family is healthier and has a greater appreciation for their bodies and how they work. I feel less helpless when life throws curve balls at me. Reflexology techniques can help to deal with these. Even as I begin to envision myself in the future as a retiree, I have a picture of myself doing reflexology. I guess I am an addict.

Hello, my name is Sue and I am a reflexology addict. Anyone else out there?