Friday, January 8, 2010

self fulfilling prophecies and legacies

Last February I wrote an email to myself. It is resting in a website ( I believe)and will be sent to me in February. I sent a self fulfilling prophecy for 2010. I remember one prophecy because it involved a number and unless sales of my correspondence course start to fly I will not see it to fruition in the time frame I gave it. The rest of the email eludes my memory. It will be interesting to read it. I usually snort over past commentaries and wonder what the heck I was thinking and yet I feel compelled to put my thoughts down time and time again. Some stranger out in web land reads my thoughts and forms opinions. Hey, make a comment and let me know you are out there. At worst, these blogs are self indulgent, but it does allow a small window into my world that I am willing to share. So, to whoever is reading, I hope you have a good day and may all of your self fulfilling prophecies be positive and may they come true.

Happy New Year.

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