Saturday, July 4, 2009

Re energizing

Well, back from my first week of vacation. We spent it camping and for the second year in a row the weather chose not to cooperate. Lucky me, I am not dependent on outdoor activity to have fun. It was great to simply watch the woodpecker give himself a migraine, or to watch the chipmunks and birds taunt my poor Lucy. Happy hour was observed with an almost religious fervor and it was great connecting with friends from previous camping years. Of course, we managed to receive the news about Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson and of course a tip of the hat to Bud (a long time camper) who passed away this week as well.

Thanks to whoever invented puzzle books and sudoku. They came in handy this week. I feel somewhat re energized but I am also looking forward to more time off. Hey, is it happy hour again?

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