Friday, April 1, 2011

Riding the wave

My last blog is printed testimony of my momentary lapse into superiority. I said I was going to try to go with the flow and right after that wave after heavy wave crashed into my personal life. What did I turn to to help me through? Positive affirmations. And they helped. The universe sent me a huge wave of negativity and I faced it with positive reaffirmations. I have chosen not to use the term battle because I believe that you attract that which you battle. The lesson in all this. Try to stay positive people!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Enough manifesting already!

I have always considered myself to be a fairly positive person. Some people would call me a "new ager" because I believe in energy work and a lot of other complementary healing modalities. I confess to buying The Secret and creating a vision board and yes I have read Echart Tolle as well. (Sorry about the spelling but I'm too lazy to look it up). Lately I have noticed a disturbing (for lack of a better term) trend. I am on a few social and business networking sites and have noticed two different trends. First of all, people seem to have opted out from posting anything original (not necessarily personal but not even original).

Everyone either posts 1. an inspirational quote from someone else
2. a manifestation they want to have occur.

I am sensing a big backlash coming from those people who are constantly manifesting. The higher power knows what's going to happen in the future and is sometimes protecting you by not providing what you are trying to manifest. I bet there are a lot of disappointed people who have read The Secret and are still waiting for their ship to come in.

And a note about unwavering positivity! (Don't know if that's a word or not but I'm using it). You need to feel some negativity to appreciate anything positive happening people!

So my New Year's resolution is to go with the flow. Experience the ups and downs and just hope the downs aren't too scary.

I'll repeat my wish for everyone this year. Life is full of speed bumps. I wish you a good suspension package.


Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Reflexology for sciatic issues

People with sciatic issues have been popping into my life lately which has given me ample opportunities to determine the accuracy of the sciatic reflex. In all 3 cases that I saw, the reflex gave me a visual cue in the way the area blanched and gave the illusion of being raised. I was able to see this distressed reflex on the plantar aspect of the foot and palmar aspect of the hand of two others.

The hand showed me a reflex just lateral to where it should have been which made me think, if the body is suffering some type of distortion would the reflex reflect this as well? So I worked the reflex in the distorted visual cue area with excellent results.

I had good results with all 3 cases and more people are suddenly developing this issue and talking to me about it. Seemed I should share my findings. So happy hunting this sometimes elusive reflex.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Reflexologist heal thyself!

I did something or I caught something or something. Yesterday I woke up with a wee bit of a knot close to my right shoulder blade. It's a long weekend. I didn't want to take the time to do anything to it, so I popped a couple of acetominophen (I know, not an antiinflammatory but drugs are few and far between in my house). Didn't help. Then I start begging various family members to do the layman's term of shiatsu/acupressure in the area. Temporary relief. Got into the hot tub. Temporary relief again. Every time the pain came back it spread to more and more areas - mostly joints - so I started thinking viral. So then the genius in me said try reflexology! Quel surprise! I am the reflexology version of a cobbler. I don't have shoes or in reflexology speak, I keep on forgetting to treat myself. And since my husband said for better or worse in our vows, I handed him my feet. Yep, there it was. He worked the area for a while which helped considerably. I had a good night's sleep. I woke up this morning with the ball of my foot sore to the touch in the corresponding area. Later in the day my thumb started to ache in the corresponding area. This is a good sign. The issue is coming to the surface to disappear forever. The area in my shoulder itself has a lingering light echo of how it felt yesterday.
I will work the areas on my foot and thumb and put this baby to bed! So remember reflexologists, not all discomfort is related to organ imbalance but muscular issues. Don't forget muscles when assessing a client.

Friday, July 30, 2010

What's wrong with a placebo?

I have been a reflexologist since 1997 and I played with it for years before that. This healing modality has surprised me repeatedly with what it can do. I will be the first to admit that it cannot do all things for all people, but really, what can? Think about it. There are no wonder drugs out there that work for every condition. There are no healing modalities that have a one hundred percent success rate.

My gumption gets riled when people attribute success in healing to placebos. The implication is that a placebo is a false deity. They shake their heads at the people they feel have succumbed to the placebo affect. So let's analyze this placebo affect. The individual is better. They have had a successful response to treatment. In the case of a placebo response to a healing modality that does not involve ingesting medication, they have not taxed their liver and kidneys by processing medications. Personalize it. You are sick, you try a healing modality like reflexology. You feel better. Your friends or family say it is a placebo affect. You are better. I'd take it. I know reflexology works and I know the mechanism is not always placebo affect. But I will embrace these successes as well. The client is better. This is why we offer reflexology. We want people to heal themselves. If the result is through a placebo affect so be it. Let's not make it a dirty word.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010


I am a member of a number of reflexology groups on facebook. I am amazed at the diversity within the field of reflexology. The definition of reflexology and methods of application are diverse as well. I don't agree with all of them. I am sure some of these members don't agree with my principles as well. The underlying denominator and what keeps us gelled as a group is the underlying desire to help. Notice I said help and not heal. The healers are the people themselves who come to us with their issues. We are simply facilitators. As in all things, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't. I started thinking about how reflexology has impacted my life. I have a large circle of friends because of my love for teaching reflexology. My family is healthier and has a greater appreciation for their bodies and how they work. I feel less helpless when life throws curve balls at me. Reflexology techniques can help to deal with these. Even as I begin to envision myself in the future as a retiree, I have a picture of myself doing reflexology. I guess I am an addict.

Hello, my name is Sue and I am a reflexology addict. Anyone else out there?

Friday, January 8, 2010

self fulfilling prophecies and legacies

Last February I wrote an email to myself. It is resting in a website ( I believe)and will be sent to me in February. I sent a self fulfilling prophecy for 2010. I remember one prophecy because it involved a number and unless sales of my correspondence course start to fly I will not see it to fruition in the time frame I gave it. The rest of the email eludes my memory. It will be interesting to read it. I usually snort over past commentaries and wonder what the heck I was thinking and yet I feel compelled to put my thoughts down time and time again. Some stranger out in web land reads my thoughts and forms opinions. Hey, make a comment and let me know you are out there. At worst, these blogs are self indulgent, but it does allow a small window into my world that I am willing to share. So, to whoever is reading, I hope you have a good day and may all of your self fulfilling prophecies be positive and may they come true.

Happy New Year.